09 Oct, 2024
Tigress T-141 Photographed with Her Newborn Cubs: Heartwarming News from Panna National Park
Just a few days after opening for the 2024 tourism season, Panna National Park delivered heartwarming news for Wildlife lovers. Tigress T-141 was seen along with four of her first-time spotted cubs. This was on Monday, October 07th, when the mother tigress was seen and photographed taking a walk with four cubs in her often spotted Pipartola grassland part of the jungle.
These cubs are the fourth litter of T-141, guesstimated to be between three to four months of age and all looking in good shape. With this news, the count of tigers in Panna National Park is reckoned to be over 90. This may look like no surprise with the present tiger population but was once an unimaginable number with almost no tigers in the Panna forest reserve twenty years back. The reintroduction of tigers and a streak of continuous conservation efforts led Panna to become one of the most popular reserve for tigers.

At present, hundreds of tourists everyday visit Panna National Park exploring its versatile wilderness. Even the count of foreign tourists is quite high in Panna. The sightings of diverse wildlife, from Bengal tigers to chinkara, sambar, four-horned deers, crocodiles, Himalayan vultures, and hundreds of other fauna species make Panna one of the best national parks to visit with friends and family.
Panna National Park News.